sobota, 11 listopada 2017

"Comedy of the Week"

        Mae Martin about addiction

I've listened to an episode of "Comedy of the week" about addiction. The topic was presented by a stand-up comedian - Mae Martin. She explained trough her own experience when habits become obsessions and later on addictions and why people tend to be addicted to so many things. She said that addiction means nothing else but compulsive pleasure seeking that has a negative impact on us. Which means that it doesn't always have to be extreme like being addicted to drugs or alcohol, but for example it might mean being addicted to a certain person, film, book, topic etc. Addiction is a very natural human's impulse. We seek something that could reduce our stress and that's one reason why we get addicted to so many things.

I've really  enjoyed listening to this podcast not only because it was very interesting and informative but mostly because it was very funny. I loved the way she was talking about her experiences and it was very hard not to laugh at loud when listening to her speaking. (which might be problematic when you're in a crowded bus). I'm looking forward to next episodes of her series.

3 komentarze:

  1. It strikes me as very true that we can get addicted to anything, sometimes temporarily.
    By the way, two things:
    1. did you mean laughing OUT loud when you wrote 'to laugh at loud'?
    2. do you think you vary your sources enough? Reading an opinion essay may be much more demanding than listening to a podcast, and it's easier to use it as a source of vocabulary because it stays on paper.

  2. You've changed the background photo, haven't you? This one is really good. Is it yours?

  3. Yes, I meant laughing out loud, I made a mistake
    I will try to read something next time but these podcasts are so interesting that sometimes it's hard to resist
    I uploaded this picture last year and unfortunately it's not mine
